Reframing Relationships Between Humans and the Earth: The "Anthropocene", a New Ideology to Sustain the Status Quo

stylised drawing on humans and nature

Environmentalists associate the political and economic status quo with desertification, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, uncontrolled waste and many other consequences related to governance and general well-fare, that affect the majority of destitute people that lack educational, social and economic means to protect themselves.

IPBES webinar on the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison exercise


Date: 8 April 2022 at 1 p.m. CEST

The IPBES task force on scenarios and models, with the support of the task force on capacity-building, will host a webinar on the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios-based Model Intercomparison (BES-SIM) exercise.

The webinar will include a presentation on the BES-SIM exercise and its results, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Everyone interested is welcome to attend.