Reframing Relationships Between Humans and the Earth: The "Anthropocene", a New Ideology to Sustain the Status Quo

stylised drawing on humans and nature

Environmentalists associate the political and economic status quo with desertification, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, uncontrolled waste and many other consequences related to governance and general well-fare, that affect the majority of destitute people that lack educational, social and economic means to protect themselves.

Video clips from webinar on Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation

Pereira_video clips_Degrowth

On 6th May 2021, ONet held an online seminar with Dr. Jason Hickel and Dr. Laura Pereira on the topic of Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation.

Some of the highlights of this event with Laura Pereira (an IPBES stakeholder) are available in the following video clips. Further questions which we did not have time to cover during the webinar are posted along with their responses in a previous blog post.

More Q & A with Dr. Laura Pereira on Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation


Following our recent online event, "Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation", with Dr. Laura Pereira and Dr. Jason Hickel, we are delighted that Dr. Pereira has agreed to answer further questions from the audience which we did not have time to cover during the event.



What changes are needed to face the global crisis?

well-rooted tree

Communication, advocacy, thematic networks, discussions between professionals, specialists and policy-makers, demand respect for scientific data, ethical responsibility, which implies a fundamental change in the treatment of problems related to culture, politics, economy and the environment.

IPBES survey - use of IPBES assessments in policymaking at (sub)national levels


Have you used IPBES assessments in your work?

Whether it was for policy, planning, data, recommendations, identifying alternatives, cross-sector/ministerial dialogue, conservation, advocacy or other uses, please take the time to fill out this survey. The feedback will be extremely helpful.

Please share this request widely among your network and peers.

To attain desired forest cover, put local communities at the center of implementation.

PaTree afforestation program, Kenya

Forests and natural resources conservation are critical in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in countries that depend on natural resources for sustainability and growth like Kenya. In Kenya, the forest cover is estimated to be about 7.4% of the total land area which is way below the recommended global minimum of 10% forest cover.