Nature Futures Framework draft open for external review

NatureFutureFramework_from Lundquist et al.

This external review is addressed to Governments and interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders.

There will be a series of online workshops organised by IPBES for various stakeholder groups:

1. IPBES National Focal Points and other government representatives: Monday 4 October
2. All stakeholders: Wednesday 6 October
3. Indigenous and local knowledge holders: between 28 and 30 September and on 19 October

Video clips from webinar on Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation

Pereira_video clips_Degrowth

On 6th May 2021, ONet held an online seminar with Dr. Jason Hickel and Dr. Laura Pereira on the topic of Degrowth for Biodiversity Conservation.

Some of the highlights of this event with Laura Pereira (an IPBES stakeholder) are available in the following video clips. Further questions which we did not have time to cover during the webinar are posted along with their responses in a previous blog post.

PESC-6 meeting report

PESC 6 capture

The 6th Pan-European IPBES Stakeholder Consultation was held online on the 5th and 6th of October 2020 and gave an overall presentation of network opportunities within Europe (e.g. ONet, the ECA network, Eklipse) and held a collective discussion on the First Order Draft of the IPBES Invasive Alien Species assessment.

All of the presentations given at the event and the final report on the meeting are now available.


INVITATION - 6th Pan-European stakeholder consultation for IPBES - 5 & 6 October 2020

Forest photo ECA network

ONet is pleased to announce the next PESC-6 meeting that will happen online on 5 & 6 October 2020. This event is organised by the ECA network with several partners, including ONet.

This is a great opportunity for all stakeholders in Europe and Central Asia to engage with IPBES. For Russian-speaking participants, there will be English-Russian-English interpreters to translate the presentations during the plenary sessions.

Date & time: