Support the uptake of the Invasive Alien Species Assessment

Spread the news
IPBES is calling for contributions to support uptake of the IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment, asking for your active participation and engagement in this significant endeavor. This call is more than an announcement; it's an invitation for stakeholders like you to actively participate and contribute to the collective effort of addressing the challenges posed by invasive alien species.
IPBES invites us to join in supporting and using the key findings of the Invasive Alien Species Assessment. You can help by organizing events or creating materials that enhance understanding of its important findings.
>> See notification EM/2023/49
Find out more
For those seeking to delve deeper into this initiative, the ONet website hosts some resources and information, tailored to support your understanding and involvement in the IAS assessment:
- IAS Assessment Materials
- Poster and Virtual Backgrounds on IAS
- Information on Engaging Your Community
- IPBES Virtual Background Portal
Your involvement is crucial in addressing challenges posed by invasive alien species. This call offers an opportunity to contribute to a global cause. The provided resources and events support your journey in this vital endeavor. Join us to make a tangible impact—your unique perspectives are integral to our success.
For an overview of IPBES publications, materials, and projects on invasive alien species, see our dedicated page.
Discuss with us
Unlock the power of collaboration against invasive alien species! Join our upcoming ONet Caucus on IAS on 24th November 2023 at 07.00 CST/ 14.00 CET / 20.00 ICT where we can discuss supporting the Invasive Alien Species Assessment. Dive into solutions, share ideas, and be a driving force in preserving our ecosystems. Your participation counts – let's make a difference together!
Photograph: my personal favourite among IPBES's virtual backgrounds, as I enjoy having a digital rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) on my shoulder during online meetings. The rose-ringed parakeet, native to Africa and South Asia, is known for its exceptional ability to mimic human speech and environmental sounds. These charming parakeets are highly intelligent and have been observed mimicking various noises, including phone ringtones, musical tunes, and even the sound of other birds, showcasing their remarkable vocal talents. Unfortunately, the rose-ringed parakeet is also "one of the most successful avian invaders in the world, with established populations in over 35 countries outside its native range", according to IUCN's Global Invasive Species Database.