Get your choice of #InvasiveAlienSpecies poster and virtual background for free

The most popular poster from the #IPBES10 Plenary is now available for download: get your copy of the poster on Invasive Alien Species here. There's a choice of formats, including jpg for use on screen, pdf for download, and a special version for printing.
Why not choose a virtual background for your video conferences, too?
- If you like the drawing shown on the poster above, the style is available (scroll down on the page)!
- If photographs are more your thing and you still want to help us promote the Invasive Alien Species Assessment: those are available, too.
- Invasive alien species are not your interest? There's surely something to your taste and needs in the IPBES Virtual Background Portal!
Post updated 27 Feb 2024

For an overview of IPBES publications, materials, and projects on invasive alien species, see our dedicated page.