WEBINAR: Cultural Landscapes: Old and New Challenges for Sustainability

Cultural landscapes webinar May 2021

Time: 12.00pm CEST | 6.00am EDT | 6.00pm CST Asia

Cultural Landscapes: Old and New Challenges for Sustainability

Cultural landscapes have developed through human activities aimed at providing food, raw materials and shelter. Social and economic changes are putting them under multiple pressures: abandonment and land use intensification are trends affecting cultural landscapes in many regions. Loss of biodiversity, of ecosystem functions and of essential contributions to human well-being are the consequence.

The responses to these trends are necessarily complex, ranging from legal tools to incentive-based schemes and from reviving traditional management systems to developing novel approaches with new actors becoming involved in maintaining cultural landscapes.

In this webinar, the Global Assessment Report adopted by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in 2019 will be used as a starting point to discuss patterns of change in cultural landscapes. We will explore how scientific information in combination with traditional and local knowledge can contribute to sustainable solutions to the multiple challenges for cultural landscapes. We will focus in particular on the development of stakeholder networks to support their implementation.

Researchers and practitioners involved in studying and managing cultural landscapes are invited to join the webinar. Contributions to the discussion during the webinar are welcome. We further invite contributions to a special issue on the topic of cultural landscapes in the journal Land.


Further information on the invited speakers and how to register: https://land-1.sciforum.net/#webinar_registration




The webinar was recorded and is available to watch here: https://land-1.sciforum.net/#webinar_content