Demystifying Stakeholder Engagement, First ever ONet e-conference with authors Dr. Cornelia Krug and Dr. Eleanor Sterling
Please join us for an IPBES ONet discussion!
"Demystifying Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholder Participation and the Relevance of Local Environmental Issues in IPBES" on Friday, Dec 11 online.
Two sessions are available so please choose whichever suits your timezone best:
Session 1, 11AM UTC:
Session 2, 7PM UTC:
Cornelia and Eleanor will be available to discuss their recent paper on stakeholder participation in IPBES (available here). There will be guided discussion, including on the following topics:
1. How could IPBES increase the diversity of experts, who engage with the platform? How to recognize their voluntary contributions?
2. How could IPBES develop stronger and long-lasting ties with various stakeholder groups?
3. How could observer organisations better contribute to the platform, beyond Plenary sessions’ discussions?
We warmly welcome all stakeholders to come, listen, ask questions and offer input.
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