Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources | in person & online

Malmö and online
Old and winding European Ash branches densely covered in foliage

Organised by the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen). See below for the opportunity to present a poster.

11 December 2024, 09:00-16:30 CET (registration deadline 27 November 2024)

Attend free of charge at Malmö Arena Hotel, Malmö, Sweden, or online.

Join us for a conference highlighting the role of genetic resources for a sustainable development. Hear about the latest international policies, the Nordic ambition and solutions based on genetic resources in different forms. Be inspired by visions on how these resources can help us form a more sustainable and resilient society in the future!

Participation at the conference is free-of-charge, both in person and online. However, if you register to attend in person and do not attend, you will be charged 500 SEK.

>> Register to participate in person or online


This conference integrates the sustainable use of genetic resources throughout. You may also be interested in the upcoming IPBES Nexus assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health. For more information, download the primer available in twelve languages.



Participants can look forward to the following topics. Participants will also enjoy several panel debates, and opportunites to socialise over breakfast, lunch and coffee.

  • Keynote: What happened at COP16 in Cali and what comes next?
  • COP16 from a Youth Perspective: Thoughts from the Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network.
  • Climate change’s effect on the Nordic agri-food systems.
  • Genetic resources as tools for mitigating climate change and promote green transition.
  • How to engage the business community in stronger biodiversity.
  • The importance of plant breeding in feeding the Nordic population.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation's perspective on agrobiodiversity and its role in sustainability and resilience of the food systems.
  • Using genetic resources to adapt crops to the extreme environment of Iceland.
  • What can we learn from the current ash dieback crisis for future conservation of tree genetic resources?
  • New sustainability traits in the breeding program of Norwegian Red dairy cows. How can we use knowledge from our research to select for lower methane emissions and improved feed efficiency?
  • Decoding the Past to Breed Crops for the Future: Pre-breeding and Genebanks in Crop Innovation.
  • Solutions from Nature. Crop Wild Relative Conservation for a more Resilient and Climate Adapted Nordic Agriculture.

>> See the detailed programme

>> Register to participate in person or online


Present your poster

Researchers and students interested are welcome to provide a poster presenting results which are related to genetic resources and their sustainable use.

1) By 27 November 2024 register to participate in person.

2) By 30 November 2024 send your abstract (max 200 words) to [email protected].

3) Await confirmation of poster acceptance.

4) Print your poster and bring it to the conference.


With an interest in the sustainable use of genetic resources, you might also be interested in crop (bio)diversity at IPBES: email Franziska on the ONet Facilitation Team for more information on the upcoming community of practice.


Photo by Jean-Pol Grandmont on Wikimedia Commons: European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior Var. Aurea pendula) in Morlanwelz-Mariemont, Belgium. The species is found across the European Continent, and features strongly in cultural tradition: in Norse mythology, for example, the ash tree Yggdrasil connects the nine worlds of the cosmos. These trees are under severe threat by ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus): learn more about that crisis and the conservation of tree genetic resources in the conference talk by Jan-Peter George.