6th Science Policy for Biodiversity Forum online sessions

Flower of a common lantana in pink and yellow, set against dark green

Organised by the International Union of Biological Sciences

8-11 April 2024

Initiated by IUBS in 2006, the Science Policy Forum for Biodiversity continues to serve as a vital platform for fostering dialogue among scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders.

Our objective is to explore how science, technology, and innovation can drive effective implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, ultimately aiming to bend the curve of biodiversity loss and achieve positive outcomes by 2050.


Invasive alien species in Asia and Oceania and measures for them

8 April 2024, UTC-6:00, NZST-18:00, JST-15:00, CST-14:00, IST-11:30, EAT-9:00, CAT/CET-8:00

  • Masahito Yoshida, University of Tsukuba, Nature Conservation Society of Japan:
    Pathway control of invasive alien species in remote islands – an example of Ogasawara Islands Natural World Heritage, Japan
  • Ravinder Kohli, Amity University Punjab Mohali, India:
    Invasion of Alien plants in India, implications and suggested remedial measures
  • Ian Dickie, University of Canterbury, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, Christchurch, New Zealand:
    Linked plant-fungal invasions and implications for management in the context of New Zealand

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>> Registration


Digital Sequence Information in Biodiversity Research and How to Share Benefits

9 April 2024, UTC:13:00, IST: 18:30, CET: 15:00, EDT: 9:00, PET: 8:00

  • Douglas W Miano, Nairobi University:
    DSI in Plant Microbe Research
  • Jens Sundström Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences:
    How to navigate the ABS-system, perspectives from a Swedish scientist
  • Sebastian Bromander Lawyer for the LifePlan:
    Lessons learned from drafting and negotiating ABS contracts
  • Amber Scholz, Leibniz Institute DSMZ:
    Finding compromise on benefit-sharing & digital sequence information: a scientific perspective

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Role of Indigenous Peoples in Conservation of Biodiversity

10 April 2024, UTC-11:00, JST-20:00, CST-19:00, IST-16:30, EAT-14:00, CAT/CET-13:00, EDT- 7:00

  • Sharachchandra Lele, ATREE Bengaluru, India:
    Adivasis and the Central Indian Forests
  • Siddappa Setty, ATREE Bengaluru, India:
    Soliga tribal community, livelihood and conservation under the Forest Rights Act in Western Ghats, India
  • Jennifer Tauli Corpuz, lawyer Kankana-ey Igorot Indigenous People of northern Philippines:
    Recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Governance of Territory as a Distinct and Effective Pathway for Conservation

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>> Registration



11 April 2024, UTC-15:00, IST- 20:30, CET-17:00, EDT-11:00, PET-10:00

Speakers to be announced.

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About the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)

The International Union of Biological Sciences, established in 1919, is a non – governmental and non – profit organization comprising of National Academies and international scientific Associations and Societies.

IUBS promotes open science and open data policy and guidelines in the domains of bio – nomenclature/biodiversity, public health, agriculture, etc. It is taking a leading role in Convention of Biodiversity (CBD), Climate Change Education, Open Biodiversity and Health Big Data (BDHD), etc.

>> More about IUBS


Photo by David Carrera on iNaturalist: Common lantana (Lantana camara) is a widespread invasive alien species, including in India. To learn more about invasive alien plants in India, join Ravinder Kohli's talk linked above, or check out the IPBES Invasive Alien Species assessment.