ONet Spring Caucus day
Dear stakeholders,
We invite you to join us virtually on ONet Spring Caucus Day on May 26th
What is ONet Caucus Day?
ONet Caucus Day is an online discussion forum for IPBES stakeholders to collectively brainstorm ideas and get involve with IPBES.
What will be the focus of this Caucus?
When we organize Caucus, one objective is always to allow ONet members from each region of the world to connect together. We also use this opportunity to update participants on last IPBES information and what are the different opportunity to engage as a stakeholder. This spring Caucus will also be the opportunity to share ideas regarding stakeholder day agenda and the main message that should be bring by stakeholders at IPBES 10 plenary.
How can you participate?
In order to facilitate participation from all around the world, the ONet facilitation team have decided to propose the Caucus at two different time slots: 6:00 am to 7:30 am UTC and 15:00 to 16:30 UTC
If you want to attend the first session at 6:00 am UTC, please register here:
If you want to attend the second session at 15:00 UTC, please register here: