co-chairs appointed for the Nexus and Transformative Change assessments
Three co-chairs have now been appointed to lead the work on the two major IPBES assessments.
These are the assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (the ‘Nexus Assessment’) and the
assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, the determinants of transformative change, and options for achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity (the ‘Transformative Change Assessment’).
The Nexus co-chairs are: Prof. Paula Harrison (UK) from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Prof. Pamela McElwee (USA) from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; and Dr. David Obura (Kenya) of CORDIO East Africa.
The Transformative Change co-chairs are: by Prof. Arun Agrawal (India & USA) from the University of Michigan; Prof. Lucas Garibaldi (Argentina) from the National University of Río Negro; and Prof. Karen O’Brien (USA & Norway) from the University of Oslo.
Dr. Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary of IPBES has acknowledged that these new IPBES assessments will be among the most complex and interdisciplinary ever undertaken.
Both Assessment Reports are expected to be considered by representatives of the almost 140 member States of IPBES in 2024 – at the eleventh session of the IPBES Plenary.
Further information about the Nexus Assessment can be found at: and about the Transformative Change Assessment at:
You can read the IPBES notification on the co-chairs here