Training: E&S Risk and Impact Management in Land Use Finance
UNEP and UNEP-WCMC are offering a free training programme on Environmental and Social Risk and Impact Management in Land Use Finance.
The free trainings are suitable for staff of impact funds and facilities focused on land use systems, as well as other investors interested in moving into the space. Attendees will gain knowledge and tools to develop impact strategies and risk management approaches for sustainable land-use investments in agriculture, forestry, and/or ecosystem restoration.
- Module 1: Introduction to risk and impact management
15th November 2023, 12:30-14:30 GMT
Attendees will look at why sustainable land use investments are needed and how to set up impact objectives for their investments. They will learn what the building blocks of an E&S risk and impact management framework are, and hear some relevant case studies.
- Module 2: Responding to key environmental and social risks
22nd November 2023, 12:30-14:30 GMT
Attendees will learn about the business case for E&S risk management, and how to develop a risk management, monitoring and reporting framework
- Module 2: Demonstrating positive impacts and leveraging monitoring capabilities
29th November 2023, 12:30-14:30 GMT
Attendees will look at how to develop impact strategies, set positive impact indicators, and leverage internal capacities and monitoring tools for impact.
The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre operates as a collaboration between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UK charity WCMC. It is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy.
Working with partners, the centre develops and supports the use of best-available knowledge, data, and digital innovations for effective policy and practice across public and private sectors for the benefit of people and nature.
Top image by Dianne Gibson on Unsplash: Giraffe in Kruger National Park, South Africa. These animals are well-adapted to their surroundings: they don't need to drink every day and they have a very diverse diet of up to 93 different plant species. Sadly, their populations are decreasing, threatened by habitat loss, civil unrest, illegal hunting, and ecological changes.