Landscaping for (not against) Insects | Talk

Blue mistflower

Organised by Wild Ones Greater Baltimore.

16 February 2024, 18:00-19:30 EST

Learn about the importance of insects in our gardens.

This presentation will outline how residential yard maintenance, such as leaf litter removal, affects pollinator and natural enemy survival and community composition.

Max Ferlauto received a bachelor's degree in Plant Ecology from Juniata College. He is now the State Entomologist for the Maryland DNR Natural Heritage Program and also an Entomology Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Maryland in Karin Burghardt's Lab. At the DNR and UMD he studies how landowners can protect important and rare insects.

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You might also be interested in IPBES's very first assessment report and its summary for policymakers: the report addressed pollinators, pollination and food production. While the report raised global awareness of human impact on pollinators at the time of its publication, its findings remain urgent and efforts to protect pollinators are ongoing.


About Wild Ones

Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.

Examples of their projects include native garden designs, habitats for Monarch butterflies, and resources for native plants and seeds for outdoor learning areas.

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>> Visit the Baltimore Chapter online


Photo by Kenpei on Wikimedia: The blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum, formerly Eupatorium coelestinum) is native to the Eastern United States, rich in nectar, and popular with pollinators: a great addition to gardens in its local habitat.