Launch event: IPBES Nexus Assessment | in person & online
Update: a recording is now available under the link to the lauch event. The official media release is available on the IPBES website in English, French and Spanish.
17 December 2024, 13:00 GMT/14:00 CET/08:00 EST (click for your time zone)
Following the 11th IPBES Plenary Session, IPBES will launch the long-awaited thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health — or nexus assessment for short.
In 2019, the IPBES global assessment changed the conversation on biodiversity, worldwide. Five years later, be among the first to hear about the global platform's latest findings.
Local media are invited to join in person in Windhoek, Namibia; everyone is invited to join online: meet IPBES experts who will personally guide you through their work.
Follow the media launch on social media with #NexusAssessment and @IPBES.
>> get up to speed with the primer on the nexus assessment
>> get media accreditation (deadline 1 December 2024)
You might also be interested in the launch event for the IPBES transformative change assessment on 18 December 2024.
Photo by kaentian on Adobe Stock: ripe sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) ready for harvest. Sorghum is among the world's most important cereal crops and most varieties are especially suited for arid and semi-arid regions, including for example Namibia. However, this crop remains underutilised, underresearched, and its genetic diversity poorly protected.