Solving nature's puzzle: a new database on knowledge gaps identified by IPBES

At today's webinar, IPBES experts introduced a new database on knowledge gaps identified by IPBES assessments.
How can you help solve nature's puzzle? This new tool will help you contribute to nature's future effectively:
- Identify your next research project.
- Focus your practical expertise.
- Be the first to fund and illuminate a topic.
Currently, the database covers knowledge gaps identified by
- the Invasive alien species assessment.
- the Global assessment.
- each of the four Regional assessments.
Each entry will guide you to the relevant chapters, sections and pages of the assessment reports. The database is currently under development and will soon cover further assessments, so watch that space.
>> Download the IPBES webinar slides (5.16 MB) that focus on knowledge gaps in invasive alien species.
How can IPBES best communicate knowledge gaps, and encourage people to help fill them? IPBES is currently asking for your ideas and suggestions: contribute by 5 May 2024.
Photo by Sander van der Wel on Wikimedia Commons: wild or feral piglet (Sus scrofa) in a wildlife park in the Netherlands. The IPBES Invasive alien species assessment ranks feral pigs among the top 10 most widespread invasive mammal species worldwide. You might also be interested in ONet's page dedicated to invasive alien species at IPBES.