Organisations are invited to become observers at IPBES

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IPBES8 will take place online 14-24 June 2021.

At this important session, the Plenary will amongst other things, consider for approval:

  • the scoping report for a thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health in the context of climate change (nexus assessment)
  • a thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity (transformative change assessment).

Click here for further information on IPBES8 and stakeholder days.

Call for ONet members who represent organisations

We strongly encourage members of ONet who represent an organisation to register their organisation as an observer as part of their registration for IPBES8.


Observers are any body, organization or agency, whether national or international, governmental, intergovernmental or non-governmental, including organizations of and representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, which are qualified in matters covered by the Platform (IPBES).
To apply for admission as an observer, one must submit a formal letter, signed by the head of the organization, informing the IPBES secretariat of its wish to be represented at the eighth session of the Plenary, and provide further information through the online accreditation form by 6 p.m. Central European Time on 2 April 2021


If your organistion becomes an observer, it will be granted access to participate in IPBES plenaries. It thus increases the rights and possibilities of participation for your organisation. This would be in addition to being represented by ONet who is invited to deliver statements at the opening and closing sessions of IPBES plenary sessions.

Read more about IPBES accredited observers here: