ONet Social Media Terms of Engagement
Dear all,
We invite all ONet members to contribute to the vitality of ONet on social media platforms.
Social media has become an integral and important part of:
• communicating and promoting nature’s role in sustainable development;
• identifying, gathering and generating data and information to inform biodiversity and ecosystem services assessments;
• acting as a knowledge intermediary connecting those working across sectors;
• developing an active relationship (including increasing trust through greater transparency) with stakeholders and target audiences; and
• bridging the science - policy gap, including sharing outcomes and activities of global environmental initiatives (with those in remote areas).
However, some rules are necessary to ensure good practices and to harmonize posts. These rules are presented in the ONet Social Medias Terms of Engagement. These Terms of Engagement were approved after discussions among the ONet facilitation team and one online consultation of ONet community of members in 2019.